Restorations and Fillings

Premium quality, highly functional and beautiful tooth-coloured fillings delivered painlessly.

Restorations and Fillings

What to expect

Dental fillings are a common restorative procedure to treat cavities and prevent further decay.

Dental cavities are often asymptomatic and can only be detected early through regular examinations with x-rays (radiographs). Early decay or demineralisation can be reversed with proper care and early prevention. However, if the cavity reaches a depth where it is irreversible, a dental restoration will be necessary to prevent further decay. The procedure involves removing the damaged portion of the tooth and filling the area with a filling material - this is typically done under local anesthesia to minimise discomfort.  There are different types of filling materials, including composite resin, ceramic, zirconia, amalgam and gold, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Your dentist can help you choose the best option for your specific needs.

It is important to address cavities promptly, as untreated decay can lead to more extensive and costly dental procedures in the future (such as tooth loss requiring surgical extraction or root canal therapy). After the procedure, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene and schedule regular dental checkups and dental hygienist appointments to ensure the restorations are functioning properly and to detect any issues early on.

Composite resin restorations, also known as tooth-coloured fillings, are a popular option for repairing small to medium-sized cavities or chips in teeth. They are made of a durable, tooth-coloured material that blends seamlessly with your natural teeth, creating a more natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Composite resin restorations are a great alternative to traditional silver amalgam fillings and are the most common filling material used today. In some situations, if there is insufficient tooth structure for the filling to adhere to, a ceramic / zirconia / gold crown or onlay might be required.

Does the procedure of getting fillings hurt?

The filling procedure is typically painless as the mouth is numbed during the process and our compassionate dentists will ensure the procedure is comfortable. However, the deeper the filling (i.e. the closer the proximity to the nerve inside the tooth), some mild discomfort or tenderness may be experienced in the treated area for a few days after the appointment. Some mild sensitivity to cold may be experienced for a few weeks following the treatment, but it is considered normal. If sensitivity persists for more than 1-2 months or if the height of the filling is not balanced, it's recommended to schedule a follow-up appointment with us. The tooth nerve may be involved and further treatment may be required to relieve you from the discomfort.

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