Implant Surgery

When a tooth cannot be saved, an implant can be used to support a replacement tooth without having to alter other teeth

Implant Surgery

What to expect

The history of dental implants traces a remarkable evolution from ancient attempts using rudimentary materials to the cutting-edge techniques we have today. It wasn't until the 20th century that significant breakthroughs, like the discovery of biocompatible titanium, propelled implantology forward. Today, with the advent of advanced technologies like CBCT-guided implant surgery, we've reached an unprecedented level of precision, safety, and efficiency in restoring smiles. This journey underscores the incredible progress that has transformed dental implants into a life-changing solution for countless individuals.

Introduction to CBCT-Guided Implant Surgery

CBCT-guided implant surgery represents a groundbreaking advancement in the field of dental implantology. It's a cutting-edge technique that combines Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) technology with precision implant placement, offering numerous benefits for patients seeking tooth replacements. This innovative approach enhances the accuracy and safety of implant procedures, ensuring optimal results.

The CBCT Imaging Process

The CBCT-guided implant surgery begins with the acquisition of detailed 3D images of the patient's jawbone and surrounding structures using a Cone Beam CT scanner. Unlike traditional 2D dental X-rays, CBCT provides a comprehensive view, allowing the dentist to assess bone density, volume, and quality with unparalleled precision. This imaging technology aids in identifying potential anatomical challenges and planning the ideal implant placement.

Treatment Planning and Virtual Placement

After the CBCT scan, the obtained images are loaded into specialized software, enabling the dentist to create a virtual treatment plan. This plan involves simulating the implant placement digitally, ensuring the precise positioning of the implant posts within the jawbone. The software also helps determine the optimal implant size and angulation to achieve the most stable and natural-looking results. Patients can visualize this plan, promoting their understanding and involvement in the process.

Surgical Implementation and Benefits

Once the treatment plan is perfected, the CBCT-guided implant surgery is executed with remarkable accuracy. During the procedure, the dentist uses the virtual plan as a guide to place the implants precisely in the predetermined locations. This precision minimises the risk of damage to adjacent structures and nerves while maximising implant stability.

CBCT-guided implant surgery offers several advantages, including reduced surgery time, enhanced patient comfort, and faster recovery periods. Patients can enjoy the confidence that their dental implants will be placed with utmost precision, resulting in improved long-term outcomes and a beautifully restored smile. This state-of-the-art technique is a testament to the continuous advancements in modern dentistry, ensuring the highest standards of care for our valued patients

If you're considering dental implants or have questions about our advanced procedures, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to guide you toward a confident, radiant smile. Call us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a brighter future.

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